You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.

trigger warnings: 1 mild image of wolf predation, topics of family death, unhealthy coping mechanisms, unhealthy relationships with sex, manipulation and using others.
minors dni

You do not dance every day with the fear of living in headlights; the hunted; the deer

Lorcan Merel

47 years old | Rava | He/Him | 7'1"
True Neutral | Pansexual | Polyamorous
Turali Descendent | Born in Sharlayan | Resides in Ul'dah
Trust Fund Beneficiary | Criminal | Host | Critic

Lorcan is whoever you need him to be. He would much rather that no one ever truly know him and instead be exactly what the person in front of him wants. A chameleon who is equal parts coward and reckless, there is nothing Lorcan wants more than to be wanted and needed by as many people as possible. He wants to exist in every fabric and tapestry that passes him by, and thus he will be anyone to do so. You need a strong and supportive leading man to guide your way? Lorcan will be him. Do you need a man who is dangerous and mysterious to spark excitement in your life? Lorcan will change into his skin like a coat. Do you need a man who's soft, supportive, one who listens? Lorcan will shed and like a tree in the spring will grow soft new leaves with which to embrace you.Simply ask yourself who it is you need, who it is that you want, what is the shape of a hole in your life. If you know the answer, Lorcan will speak to you with a precision not dissimilar from how a surgeon wields a scalpel. Gently he will pry his way inside, making sure you are too numb to feel his intrusion, and he will find his attachment site. The sutures will be expertly placed, almost painless until the intensity of his presence wears off.Beneath it all, he is brewing with pain, vanity, rage, fear and selfishness. He is so lonely, and yet unwilling to recognize the flaws within himself that make it so. He comes and goes into people's lives, never quite making himself important but also doing everything he can to see that his time and company is sought after. The only surviving heir to a wealthy family's fortune, Lorcan is surrounded by brilliantly decorated spaces with no life to fill them with. He aches from traumas past and present and hides them behind a handsome mask, thus his hands are always outstretched like beautiful, sinister grasping vines.

Before moving to Ul'dah, Lorcan existed in a duality: A socialite and studium graduate in Old Sharlayan and a ruthless enforcer working in the black market in Hingashi. His lives were... mostly separate, until one day his double life came to collect

Lorcan was once relatively known as a socialite in Sharlayan as well as something of a gangster in Hingashi. He attended the studium and received remarkable grades and also came from a wealthy and well respected family. His father was a pharmaceutical botantist who, along with being at the top of his field academically, also made a fortune off the proceeds of his discoveries. Though his family traces back to Xak Tural, Lorcan was born into a comfortable Sharlayan life where he excelled. For the most part. His aunt was happy to benefit from her brother's riches, but she was not one for being similarly domesticated, and instead used her intelligence to start a black market empire in Hingashi.Having no children of her own, Lorcan's aunt doted on him as much as a parent, and in turn, he was only all too happy to assist with the family business. He learned both the bureaucracy and intimidation tactics needed to be successful and when he matured, he acted as her personal enforcer. His aunt's illegal trade coupled with his own poor choices in company were what ultimately lead to her death and the death of Lorcan's family, thus everything they built is largely dissolved aside from the family estate and the stakes in his father's company, but Lorcan still has some ties. Some might remember him as suave and untouchable, while others might remember him as ruthless and violent.

There's a long, sordid story to the death of Lorcan's family. Anyone who is acquainted with the socialite scene of Old Sharlayan would know the public details and the gossip that Lorcan was to blame - or even that he orchestrated it himself to become the possessor of his family's wealth. The public details are scant, making it a tragedy that never came with an update, as Lorcan never made himself available to give one.In Hingashi he might as well be dead to the connections he once had. It's known that he's alive, but he is seen as a snake with no head. Because of this and because of a deal made by the informant who gathered Lorcan's family together, Lorcan is left to his devices. As a dethroned prince though, he is easy to ridicule, mock and look down upon, since as far as anyone else knows he has no strength to call upon other than that which can be found in his own two hands.Which is fine with him, because he's quietly walking down the path of revenge. One foot in front of the other.

A tragedy happened to Lorcan and even people who didn't know him but shared similar communities might know of it - as much as he loathes talking about it. He seems harmless and like he is burning himself up in grief, but he is hunting

Revenge is lonely work and Lorcan will do everything he can to try and avoid paying his bill, even if he has to feed it someone else's soul. It might cost him his own soul in the process, but he was already on his way to hell

Lorcan has goals that he doesn't disclose to people, but are easy to guess at - he wants revenge, totally and completely. He wants to bring suffering ten fold to any who hand a hand in wronging him and fifty fold to those with direct participation. Internally, beneath his many masks, he is burning with rage, but uses that fire to temper himself. Lorcan has taught himself how to bind the souls of others to his own, and is slowly building an army of people the way one might build an arsenal, weapons all in their own way and none of them able to betray him. And in return for a soul - he'll pick and pry and try to find what a person most wants from him. It could be help with their personal problems, it could be money, drugs, sex, a facsimile of love - everything is on offer. Perhaps you want to make a deal?This results in many toxic relationships, both platonic and not, because he lusts for power both personal and systemic in a way that is constantly leaving him hollow. It does come back on him eventually; he's lost all sense of his body being his own and that feeling is slowly starting to spread to him not thinking he is his own self but instead a thing to be used and burned up by the flavor of the week. He doesn't want to look at the furnace he is falling into, he simply wants to achieve his goals and does not care how many people he drags to hell to do it.

Lorcan might seem a prim, polished individual who would never blemish his skin with manual labor, let alone violence, but it is very much so a persona and not at all fact. Lorcan is in fact a well trained, schooled and experienced martial artist who, like many viera, is able to tap into the aether around himself to exert preternatural strength. In his time spent working with his aunt on the black market, he acted as her hidden enforcer, playing the part of a spoiled nepotism hire only to intimidate with a well timed fist through a brick wall.Though Lorcan prefers to maintain this facade, he still enjoys a good spar, and even more so, he enjoys fighting for his life, both in a fight and in a situation more intimate. Pain is an old teacher and a constant truth that he craves as it is the only anchor he has in his life.Recently he has also begun struggling with insomnia, and his methods of combating this usually boil down to exhausting himself in a fight, in particularly rough sex, or in playing fast and loose with drugs and narcotics. He is constantly pushing his body to its limits and covering up the scars with his swift, aetheric healing, concealer and glamours.

As a man who loves a fight or a bit of violence, Lorcan is constantly hiding bruises, wounds and aches with artfully applied makeup, patchwork healing and pain management. Any qualified medic can see right through him

There's a variety of largely benign places to find Lorcan. He works at a few venues as a host and bartender, doing everything in his power to add people to his collection. And when that wears thin, he travels as a food & wine critic

Work is something that's a bit of a joke to Lorcan, who despite having lost much of his family's wealth, is still wealthy enough that he can live comfortably for the foreseeable future, even when accounting for extravagance. That said, he is very bored, lonely, motivated and quietly burning alive, so he works tirelessly, drifting through criminal organizations like a ghost. He can be found at a few venues (Tairiku currently) balancing his time between bartending and hosting. He also can be caught working for organizations operating outside of the law, calling upon all the old skills that his aunt taught him.Though it's more of a hobby and an excuse to get out and go places on his own than anything, in his off time and more often from before his life went to shit, Lorcan is a well respected food and wine critic who is praised both for his accuracy in writing for the everyman's palate as well as his quick, witty writing. While he has been known to write a scathing review that has tanked a business a time or two (sometimes quite intentionally), he's also much more renowned among those in the field either as a professional or hobbyist for lifting businesses up.


As a starting baseline, it should be understood that almost all of Lor's relationships will be toxic to some degree. Any that aren't toxic are relationships he's not really invested in - but there are levels to this. A hard line, however, is that Lorcan will not be someone's abuser. He is toxic - but he tells people up front, and he lets them know he's doing things and pushing boundaries just for fun, just to make things messy. That said, there is room for less toxic friendships with him, and he can easily be a person who has chill, mutual respect buddies. He can easily be a terrible person vibing with another terrible person. Though the scale goes from chill and vibing in the filth all the way to aggravating friend who owns his friends soul, so there's a lot of give here.


I love rping romance and ships so please do not be at all afraid to ask for that. Lor is polyamorous so please approach all conversations of ships/romance/erp with that in mind. I'm pretty down to rp just about anything in this regard except a physically abusive relationship or a relationship in which there is jealousy/possessiveness/cheating. For anything else that's a little toxic I'd just like to be asked first since I have some triggers that I can mentally prepare for so they don't trigger me.I'm always happy to have a messy romantic entanglement and Lorcan will gladly be sexually intimate with people who are just friends, and even would be with his enemies. Lorcan is emotionally very withdrawn and closed off so a true romance would take time to build, but I love a little romantic intrigue. I do ERP and prefer that it is a product of character interaction (which is easy enough, Lorcan was placed on this earth to be Hydaelyn's biggest slut), but if you want purely smut with no build up I'm willing to do that for gil. Lorcan is a switch and can fill just about any role since he's all about being what people need.


Lorcan is very easy to be enemies with. He rubs people the wrong way often times on purpose, and he reeks of a man with a motive. Lorcan can be someone's enemy purely on vibes basis - since it's valid to find his charms two faced and shallow, and he'll happily play into that for fun and to irritate someone, though often with the intent of bringing them back around to liking him. It's also easy for it to go deeper than that - Lorcan is out here trying to collect souls and bind people to him, he's not a good person and he's losing more and more of his moral integrity by the day. He'll betray people just to push them, he'll lie for fun, he'll steal and do harm to others just because they let them, and he'll come for a soul. There's lots of reasons to be his enemy and I love all of them - I'm so incredibly here for Lorcan to lose and to have to struggle morally and literally to get where he's going.

Character Development

Lorcan is a man on a path to a bad end and after having rped him for some time now, I am more and more committed to him sinking from True Neutral to Neutral Evil and losing vital parts of himself along the way. He's out for revenge and he's working towards that tirelessly. I'm open to deviations from that and taking my sweet time doing that, and if someone really wants to try and pull him back from the deep end I'm open to it, but I'd need someone to do a lot of work with me on that. And to the point of obtaining personal power - this man wants to bind a voidsent to himself so bad. Not just any voidsent though, this man wants a bad bitch.

The Not So Hidden NSFW Tab

I both sell and do erp for fun, sport and gil. You can get erp from me either by it happening organically through character interactions or approaching me OOC and asking for it. When it arises from character interactions I do not ask for gil, but if you want to skip straight to erp I charge 1 mil gil per session that occurs in game for 3-5 hours. If you catch me working in a venue that lets me set my own rates, I don't charge during venue hours, but if you'd just like erp with no character interaction after the venue closes, same thing as above.Some ground rules and guidelines:

  • OOC I like to keep things chill and casual. I don't like to flirt with people OOC and being on the receiving end of flirtation is very uncomfortable for me.

  • I don't have an f list or kink list but if something is not on my hard no list, then you can ask for it OOC or have your OC ask Lorcan for it IC and I will do my best to work it in.

  • He tops and he bottoms, he doms and he subs, he thinks all genders and body types are hot. This man has so much versatility in him.

  • He's a cis man (for now) but interchangeable multitool voidsent cis penis/trans coochie is coming in a patch update. Please look forward to it.

My hard nos:

  • Sexual Assault/Rape/Non Con/Dub Con

  • Anything involving animals (furries are fine)

  • Incest

  • Forced feminization

  • De-transition play

  • Bigotry based humiliation

  • Scat

  • Characters who are not 21+ (The older the better)

  • Lalafells

I reserve the right to decline any request or offer for erp and to stop at any time. I expect paid sessions to be paid up front and will give a refund if I have to leave mid way through.

So you want to sell your soul...

Lorcan is happy to oblige - I would like this to come about organically however, and because of how these themes can quickly veer into upsetting tangents, I would like to have discussed this with you OOC before we start solidifying that. Lorcan will always be working towards it from the jump, but to be clear I will not have him actually make a deal without first receiving OOC consent and discussing boundaries. So please - if you're interested in this, talk to me, I will genuinely be thrilled and if you don't talk to me I'm going to otherwise skirt around it narratively and do my utmost to prioritize your comfort (and mine).

What Does Lorcan Want in a Soul?

Lorcan is looking for people who are skilled or useful in one way or another - it could be people who are skilled combatants, but it could also be people who are close to powerful people or who are remarkably intelligent or gifted in particular skills that could be useful to someone trying to take down a government affiliated yakuza. He also does, on occasion, purely make deals for himself - what he perceives as 'the sanity tax' - these people are people who keep him walking towards his goal and keep him from straying too far into his vices and habits.

What does he have to offer?

Having been through this with a few people now - the most popular ask from Lorcan is sex, intimacy and something as near to romance as he can get. But he definitely has more on offer (and no judgement if that's all your character wants lol faustian bargains are sexy). Lorcan can take care of people financially and literally, he can feed and house them and show them affection, providing a slightly toxic take on family. He can also provide networking - he is building his criminal ties, and he's not afraid to dig into them to aid people, especially if it helps him get to a point where he can withhold his help at a critical moment and then make the deal. Money is also always an option, man is obscenely wealthy. Skys the limit here (kind of) - if you have something you think your character would want, I'm open to hearing it.

OOC Limits

For the most part I'm pretty flexible and open to most themes, however I will not rp abusive relationships or Lorcan making a deal without your character's informed consent. I will not rp any deal that is non consenual or dubiously consesnual. Lorcan is not a good person and he is trying to steal a character's soul, but he's not trying to hurt them and outside of being toxic, he takes souls from others so that they can be of use to him. People aren't very useful or effective working with someone who is abusing them so it makes no narrative sense, and it's also something I'm personally not willing to roleplay out. He will try to skew his deals in his favor, but he'll tell your character they're getting the short end of the stick and be completely up front. Once he's made a deal, he also tends to treat his contractors well with a little wiggle room for personal dynamics. He tends to unmask around his contractors, for better or for worse.

Out of Character

Ezra | Non Binary | 33
Thanks for your interest in my character! If you'd like to rp, here a few things to note:

  • I prefer to rp in game. I do have a discord which you can ask for but that's mostly an OOC place for me.

  • A seperation between IC and OOC is the most important part of any roleplay for me. This is our hobby and I love some IC drama but I have no spoons for OOC drama.

  • To reiterate; I am not my character. I have no interest in pursuing out of character relationships. Out of character friendships, however, are much loved.

  • I am very anxious and socially awkward, but trying my best to communicate. If I accidentally say something rude, please do not hesistate to ask if that is what I actually mean. Odds are it is not and I'm just not doing my words right as I live in fear of hurting or offending anyone.

I have a few limits. I won't:

  • Write graphic gore

  • Partake in any r*pe/sexual abuse/child abuse plots

  • Rp with anyone who isnt 21+

  • Tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism or bigotry.

  • Tolerate any OOC possessiveness over characters or who I myself rp with and when. If my actions as a roleplay partner make you feel undervalued I am open and eager to talk about it and reaffirm our partnership. Letting it fester until it manifests as jealousy and possessiveness is not okay with me.

I will:

  • Be okay with most other things if you ask me first

  • Rp combat with /random rolls. If you don't use /random, we're not fighting.

  • ERP for canon reasons or gil.

Thank you again for making it this far and I hope to rp with you!